Tribology of SU-8 polymer is increasingly relevant due to bursting use of this material in a variety applications. This study is directed towards introduction and investigation of a novel self-lubricating composite of an ionic liquid (IL)vin SU-8. The new material can be utilized for facrication of lubricating polymer coating with tunable surface properities or SU8-made...Continue Reading
Several recent detector technologies developed for particle physics applications are based on microfabricated structures. Detectors built with this approach generally exhibit the overall best performance in terms of spatial and time resolution. Many properties of the SU-8 photoepoxy make it suitable for the manufacturing of microstructured particle detectors. This article aims to review some emerging...Continue Reading
Cell-derived membrane vesicles that are released in biofluids, like blood or saliva, are emerging as potential non-invasive biomarkers for diseases, such as cancer. Techniques capable of measuring the size and concentration of membrane vesicles directly in biofluids are urgently needed. Fluorescence single particle tracking microscopy has the potential of doing exactly that by labelling the...Continue Reading
Fluid-mediated self-assembly is one of the most promising routes for assembling and packaging smart microsystems in a scalable and cost-efficient way. In this work the pairwise fluidic self-assembly of 100 mm-sized SU-8 cylinders is studied with respect to two driving mechanisms (a) Schemes of possible assemblies with flat–fat or flat–rounded components. (b) Histogram of chain length for...Continue Reading
We have characterized the electrical conductivity of the composite which consists of multi-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in SU8 epoxy resin. Depending on the processing conditions of the epoxy (ranging from non-polymerized to cross-linked), we obtained tunneling and percolating-like regimes of the electrical conductivity of the composites. (a) Results of conductivity measurements (symbols) for CNT-SU8 composites...Continue Reading