info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
Gersteltec Engineering Solutions
Swiss Made SU-8 photoepoxy functional products for MEMS, LIGA and Microelectronics

What we do

  • Gersteltec manufactures SU-8 photoresist. Focus on SU-8 formulations, used in a variety of micro-device manufacturing.
  • Tailor SU-8 formulations for enhanced performance in the application/process.
  • Support several promising new technology developments where SU8 shows potential adoption.
  • Close cooperation with R+D departments (industrial & academic)
  • Conduct own Research into applications of SU8.



Engineer desired effects into SU-8 and offer a range of Nanoparticle-dispersed SU8.

Supply custom formulations for piloting

Provides consultancy and material optimisation for application-specific developments.

  • Expands applicability of SU8
  • Leads to Increasing demand

The development of a successful device relate to your design available  processing and material. Over the years we support our  customers with there innovative ideas, time to the market and prices. 


For emerging applications clients often need a functional effect in addition to photo-patterning capability;

Traditional photopolymers and resists are consumables and do not provide effects in themselves.

Changing methods of processing (e.g. ink jet deposition) require modification to material parameters

Existing suppliers offer standard products only – not customized for purpose.

Our technology

This technology allows the development of new functional photoresist based on the SU-8 resin which can be modified to match the customer´s requirements. These adaptable photoresists can be used with semiconductors in microtechnologies and in nano applications.

Quality & Expert Advice

Gersteltec specifies the optimal fabrication process for SU-8 microsystem devices, providing valuable expert advice.

Need assistance on your next project ?

Our expertise

Gersteltec´s expertise in the associated technologies of semiconductors, microtechnologies, micro-parts, LIGA and nano applications means that its services are unparalleled. It offers prospective clients a wide range of services in the application and solutions of its SU-8 products

Customer satisfaction

We’re not satisfied until our customer is really pleased with our solutions

We do not rest on our success

We pride ourselves in continously improve our products and keep the standards high.

Talk to us about your project and ideas